Venting(Words of Encouragement)

Lady T

Hey ladies i have tried so hard to keep us all encouraged as we all have on here trying to lift each other spirits with these awesome blessings we are carrying. But i have got to say F^@# it is anybody else with my this is baby number 6 and i have never been one to complain but i swear these last 2 weeks have been the absoulute worse for me my emotions is all over i am tired i have been cleaning and running behind my youngest non stop on top of getting absolutely no sleep at night going to the bathroom multiple times a night while getting woke up by my lil one cause he chooses who he wants on certain nights smh not to mention putting together my own bbshower and getting my older kids ready for school that starts back in 3 weeks with 2 girls whos birthdays are a couple weeks apart one just passed this weekend and another in a couple weeks i am so over being pregnant right now not to mention all the ailments of being high risk and going to 2 different doctors every 2 weeks and all the test. I AM FUCKING OVER THIS. SORRY LADIES I HAD TO VENT AND GET IT OFF MY CHEST. I DO HAVE MY SO BUT HE WORKS EVENINGS SO HE TRIES TO HELP AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE WHEN HE WAKES UP DURING THE DAY I TRY NOT TO BOTHER HIM AS MUCH CAUSE HE GETS HOME LATE AND WHEN HE IS UP AT NIGHT HE WILL HELP WITH HIM BUT DAMMIT THIS KID NEEDS TO KNOW WHAT SLEEP IS SMH.