I got my iud today


I got my mirena iud today and yes it did hurt but I started Having contractions immediately after the procedure, oh man I was not prepared for that they were 1-2 mins apart and extremely painful so I had to breath “in in out, in in out” and I couldn’t leave until they were farther apart in time or stopped my ob said it probably my uterus trying to push the iud out. after 30 mins of laying down they let me try to leave and I was faint and nauseous and had to be wheel chaired to the car because I could not stand up for more than a Minute. I’m not trying to scare anyone but I had no idea I could have contractions after, I knew I was going to cramps but not about contractions, I slept it off and now I am cramping which I’m so happy about, I couldn’t handle the contractions