Last resort ..

Hello, I’m super lost right now, so I figured I come here for advice. I check this app everyday and there are so many different topics and comments, I enjoy perusing the feed.

Anywho, I have a 7 year old daughter and we currently live in AZ w. my boyfriend. Her dad lives in Washington .. or California .. or who knows .. I honestly don’t because he spends a good amount of time lying about unnecessary things. We are from Washington and before I moved, I filed s petition for a parenting plan. When I moved, I thought the petition would just drop if I didn’t take any action on it. That wasn’t the case. A year or so after I moved, her dad used that open petition to take me to court back home in Washington. I did a couple telephonic appearances but nothing came of it because we decided outside of court that she could visit him for the summer. Fast forward to now, I kind of let her dad just do what he does (it’s less stressful for me fighting w. him). He’ll send her clothes and packages and stuff but it’s not enough anymore. I’ve asked him several times about just sending me some money every month and he’s always agreed to it until it’s time to send it, then he wants to know what it’s being used for w. proof. He accuses me of wanting to spend the money on myself when I don’t even spend my own damn money on myself. So the point of this post is to get advice on how to go about filing for child support but in my state. I have no idea what happened to that case in Washington and if they still have jurisdiction over my daughter. I don’t have money for a lawyer or else this would be a lot easier. Any thoughts would be much appreciated!