how would you react?

I just found out that my boyfriend of a year and half has been on the skeezy fb pages and "liking" half naked chick pics. I've never had a reason to distrust him before but for some reason this hurt. To know that he is ogling over other females that are within reach that are sporting their goods to get some. I talked to him about it and he feels as if he did nothing wrong. Should I feel upset and hurt? How would you ladies react to this...and it wasnt just one or was alot. So of course my mind gets to he messaging these there other things he didnt tell me (which I didnt let these thoughts bubble over bc I dont have proof and know I'm just hurt and my ego a little bruised)

also a little back life...we dont really have one because he has problems getting it up. Hes gone to a doctor but wont follow up so it's pretty much non existent...then I see hes on these sites "liking" mind races straight it me...he says hed had the problem for years.

any advice?

also...I am very open to him watching porn and looking at females with no issue we are all human...but I dont know what it is about this that hurt me so much.