I had my baby at 26 weeks!


I figured this is a story to be shared to hopefully help any of you mom's to be keep an eye out for symptoms that I also had. Last Monday I had a scheduled appointment for an ultrasound and a check-up on baby. I had a strange pain right beneath my ribs. In the past I attributed it to gallbladder pain/sludge...I took Tylenol and that was it. when I got to the doctors the ultrasound showed the baby was measuring a week behind. They took me back for my second part of my appointment and I told my husband he can just go out to the car since it would be quick. They did my blood pressure and it was 160/110. Mine is usually 135/80. Since my drs is attached to the hospital, they wheeled me to the hospital and I told my husband to come back because something is really not right. They got me hooked up to all sorts of monitors, IVs and wheeled me to labor and delivery. The high risk doctor came in and explained the risks of preeclampsia to me and the baby. They ran tests on my blood and saw that my liver enzymes was high and that was the explanation of the pain I was feeling the night before. They advised the risk is I could have seizures if I didn't give birth right away.

I was heartbroken.

They hooked me up to an IV of magnesium and we had to wait until Wednesday before we could deliver her. The magnesium keeps you from having seizures and protects the baby while keeping your blood pressure down. They gave me steroid shots to help improve my baby's lung function for when she was born.

I finally gave birth via emergency c section on 7/18/18 at 1153 to a 1 pound 7oz baby girl ☺️. She was wisked off to the NICU and will be spending a lot of time growing there. I stayed at the hospital for a week to get my blood pressure back to an acceptable range. They have me on 2 strong blood pressure meds for 6 weeks and the labs showed my liver enzymes went down so I no longer needed steroids for my liver.

A simple trip to my doctor's turned into the birth of my daughter. Please be aware of the signs of preeclampsia and go to your doctor or hospital immediately!