*TRIGGER WARNING* - Rape discussion.

Hey guys. So I was sexually abused by my cousin (who was 25 at the time) at the age of 6 and it eventually progressed to rape at the age of 8.

I am now 20 and in the last year I have just started “getting over” or moving on from the traumatic experience, due to my wonderful therapist and help from my family, after I finally told someone about it when I was 19.

So I read that in the US, 1 out of every 6 women will have experienced an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime. (Men do get raped too, but I was not able to find reliable statistics on how many in the US)

So my question is.. in your opinion, why is rape still so prevalent? Why do you think rapists rape people? Do you think it is a mental illness, bad choices, not able to “help” theirselves (😷) - growing up to think it was okay, being born shitty, etc? I have read so many different theories and opinions about why rapists do what they do. I have never been able to understand why they do it..

So what are your opinions?

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I just believe some people are assholes and like to take. take. take. and that's it.


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Most of the time in the case of men raping women it’s because they were raised to believe that women are inferrer and are on earth to basically please men... so they rape you because it’s your job to please him


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I was in an abusive relationship and once I was in it I found out he had molested his younger sister. From what i saw I feel like my abuser needed professional help. He was also raised believe women are inferior to men. Idk where he’s at now but I hope he got the help he needs so he doesn’t do it again. In my case he needed to exert his dominance and I was just something meant for his pleasure. It took time for me to “get over it” i still deal with it and have ptsd and depressive episodes and I’m engaged and we have a 2yr old. It’s tough and I’m glad you got the help you needed. Unfortunately there’s not much we can do to change people except being awareness and teach our children how to respect others. I have a son and you bet your ass he’s going to learn how to treat a women. I also make sure my brothers grow up knowing how to as well