new to posting


wanted to say hello 😆 new to posting, been thinking about doing it for while. Been reading and skimmin threw most posts and saw how supportive everyone is.. so i figure to try it out.


i guess ill start by telling about myself..

My name is jen. 😆

known my husband for 9 yrs.. married 4 yrs. just like anyone had its ups and downs. been wanting a lil one for a long time but the 4 yrs has been difficult to try to (his part)but i patiently (while crying lol) and supported him.

About 2 yrs ago i ended haveing my period for 3-4 months i had no color in me just so i wouldnt pass out i took 10 diff vits. went on bc for a yr so i could get back on track learned i have 2 cervix at the time didnt know wtf that meant lol... 2 yrs later besides being pass due to go to drs lol gotta love money 😒 i just had to go cuz even after the bc was done after 3 months of being normal i skiped a month or i just dont remember.

so after being poked for the first time 😆 dont ask 😆 and i forgot to mention i just turned 30 in may... dr said she deff saw the 2 and said this is awesome lol i almost died lmao. After that and 5 viles of blood and then 2 sonos its offical i have 2 uteris.

So june came went on vaca wit my parents the one time of yr i get to see em distance sucks... me and the hubs finaly had a success. did the feet on wall up side down ritual lol after 4 yrs of just trying to fool around it happened. now heres the struggle ive been havin since 5 days later i had some cramping was tired.. i dont thinm it works that fast.. but weridly was eatin stuff that usualy makes me upset and i knew it would like ice cream had it 4 times in a week.. nothing happened and i thought it was werid but i just went wit it cuz it was nice for once lol... so july is here had 4 or t successful tries 😁 ok so been touchy mood wise food was tasting weird some smells blah.. period was gettin close took 2 tests kinda early was havin fun and wantes to test while my mom was visiting..

according to glow i took another test 3 days b4 expected.. nope.. i still have not gottin my period since june 15th... ive takin 5 tests all say no... had a dream so stupid.. i took one and i was postive.. woke up took a legit one nope and that was a few days ago.. im so frustrated confused cuz maybe the tests can read me cuz im made differently idk and ive been so depressed i feel like im alone... i do have to go to a specialist and it cost 50$ just to hold the appintment and idk if we get that back tbh but waitin for a few things to fall in our favor which will be in a week... but im terrified to go cuz i learned theres a chance im infertal cuz i got 2... and im not exactly takin it well which is y im typing this long essay that im opening up threw lol a lil nervous about it tho lol

so thats my story.