Possible keloid?

So I got my tragus pierced recently. Everything was all going good, normal healing signs. Then one day it got really itchy and by mistake I scratched and my original piercing got out. I tried to put back in but it wasn't working. So I wore a hoop instead even though it was painful and a total mistake but I couldn't find a way to put the original back on. Then I changed to a transparent one that's really long so it wouldn't move or anything. I clean it every day and I don't know what else to do. Now I got this and even though the piercing hole is normal and still there completely. What can I do? I know I made a lot of errors 😅 but I don't know, I feel like I have some hope to make it go away.

(btw I also have my helix and nose piercing and I responded to them very well and they both healed nicely)