So in love


After nine months of reading everyone’s birth stories I finally get to share mine!!

So at my 37 week check up we went ahead and set up an inducement date for the 23rd and due date was the 30th, well everything changed when I went in for my 38 week check up when I found out my blood pressure had been a little high for the past two weeks and doctor said it was baby time that day which was the 17th. So I got back home and me and man got everything packed up and ready and called everyone we needed to call. Got to the hospital at 1 that afternoon and got hooked up and was already having contractions 2-5 minuets apart so it was baby day anyway. 20 minuets later they started my IV and my contractions were every two minutes for what seemed forever. Around 5pm doctor came in to break my water and I went ahead and got the epidural. Got check and was 5cm yay!! So me and the people that were in my room all hung out laughing at videos and talking about my other two births. Well even with the epidural my contractions were so strong I could feel the pressure down below so they came to check me and told me it was baby time and I was over a 10 and was told my doctor would be there in 15 mins and they didn’t even want me doing practice pushes. So she finally gets there and I’m numb enough to not feel the pain but I could feel the pressure and contractions so I got to push on my own, with my first two I didn’t feel anything so this was a whole new experience for me. I pushed for maybe 20 minuets and Lily Winter was here at 10:57pm weighing 7lbs 9oz and 19in long.

This was my hubbys first daughter ( he’s adopting my other two) and I fell even more in love with that man watching him fall so quickly in love with our girl. Thanks for anyone who reads all this. It’s been a week and I still cry looking at pictures and thinking about it