Help Progressing Contractions/Labor


So I'm 39+5 dilated to about 2cm and been having contractions for 3 days that we're 15-20mins apart then 7-10 mins apart and now back to 15-20 mins apart. what can I do to help get them to stay consistent and regulate enough to go to l&d; I'm miserable also lost mucus plug night before last and had spotting and some more bloody mucus yesterday.

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Keep walking! Sway your hips, keep your faith up!


ondrea • Jul 25, 2018
My contractions were every 2 minutes apart or so, they never got closer, they just got stronger until I pushed him out lol, so if they get stronger and stronger I’d go in. Also get on hands and knees!


Brandi • Jul 24, 2018
Thank you, I've been walking and active since around 3 today and its now 7 and ive had some more blood tinged mucus and lots of contractions just nothing consistent, im just gonna keep pushing through and stay active.


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do they hurt?


Brandi • Jul 25, 2018
god yes they hurt so bad i cant hardly breathe through them and cant talk through them. They are 10 mins apart today but i have a dr appt in a hour and a half so trying to hang in there til then


Posted at
Man, I had this for 5 freakin days and it was awful.I was trying everything to make the freakin contractions stick. Finally managed to do the horizontal mambo and my baby was outta me 13 hours later.


Erin • Jul 25, 2018
Tell him to suck it up and maybe do it in the shower. lol


Brandi • Jul 25, 2018
Haha ah gotcha okay, i have been trying to get that but my husband says hes afraid water will break on him lol. I'm not giving up though


Erin • Jul 24, 2018
Sex. The same thing that put my baby in there kicked him out, too. lol


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My birth class teacher mentioned a series of positions called the Miles Circuit that can help if baby just needs a slightly better position to get things moving. If you Google it, it's worth trying!


Brandi • Jul 25, 2018
Thanks ill definitely check into that!