Is it Bad I Fantasize About My Husband Nearly Daily?

My drive is high, and I do have life besides taking care of our toddler during the day. but I find during my down time I lose myself of what I want to do with him after we have our boy down. I even text him in advance of detailed of us doing it lol... I wasn't like this 4 years ago. we're both in GOOD shape, and he doesn't lack on his part as far as his health with his penis, and we're both in our late 20s early 30s. Idk I almost feel like an addict though I am not on acting on it constant or obsessive, just really love him and what we have going currently has been AMAZING all around! Idk, I'm going crazy thinking of doing it tonight with him... he was damn great last night! wish we had more privacy to do it anywhere after we put our son is down and mot worry about having a roommate... it's annoying! we're currently helping out his friend temp. his friend leaves for FL tomorrow for a week!! I'm just so eager for action anywhere and everywhere in our house in the evening!! Anyway I am losing my mind I know.. lol desires killing me, only 45-1hr before he's home!! I feel like a young teen lol horny and crazy and desperate, ready to prowl on him