I have the best boyfriend ever ❤️❤️❤️


Just want to express some love, not for any particular reason, just feel like it ❤️

We have been together almost two years. Our relationship has been quite stable. He is so compassionate and considerate of my feelings.

He is a gentleman, maybe he doesn’t open the car door for me kind of gentleman, but the kind of gentleman who will always take my sensitivity into account and ask what he can do to make me feel better.

I have chronic fatigue syndrome and he looks after me and does not even think about it. He always makes sure I get the rest I need and is pro-active in helping me manage my health.

He cuddles me so much and smiles every time I give him gentle kisses. We do the Eskimo kiss and spend time spiritually together like being in nature meditating.

We don’t really have the same tastes in tv but it’s not really a problem. We cook a lot of meals together because we enjoy experimenting with foods and flavours.

Of course we have had our issues and that’s normal, but we have always resolved them amicably. Neither of us like arguments and always try to express ourselves calmly.

We are both introverts and enjoy the sense of space we have around each other.

Most of all it’s just the little things that we love about our relationship the most, like when one of us is ill and we cook pizza and bring it to bed. He has done that a lot for me and it never gets old!

I think I’d say what sums up our relationship perfectly is this: Equality. He doesn’t wear the trousers, I don’t wear the trousers. But we approach life together.

He is my first real love ❤️ I have had many intense on-off relationships before but nothing as beautifully domestic as this.

He is my stability and I am his support. I hope that we can go on like this for a long long time.

Here is a picture of us. Share your love in the comments too ☺️