2 “periods” one week apart?


Hello, all! My husband & I have been TTC for the past few months following a MC in April. About 2 weeks ago I was due to take a pregnancy test & it was negative, & what I thought was my period started later that day. I had been spotting 2 days prior so I knew AF was probably coming. The bleeding lasted a week (7/12-7/18) & after the bleeding stopped, I’ve continued spotting for the past week. Ive been using The clearblue advanced OPK & it detected my LH surge on Sunday (7/22), with no “high” days prior. I usually get 4-5 high days before the “peak” LH surge. Today (7/24), the brown spotting progressed to bright red blood again, with mild cramping. Anyone had something like this happen- 2 periods a week apart? Could I have menstrual-like bleeding due to ovulation? Or might I have had another MC without realizing it? Thanks for your input!