Most disgusting thing I’ve ever experienced in fast food

So.. y’all wanna know what happened today?

I was working as a cashier at my job, it’s a fast food place.

This lady handed me like a snot covered dollar bill.

Maybe it wasn’t snot, who knows.

It was green and looked like it and it was on my hands and I gagged and washed my hands for like a solid minute in hot water.

Y’all.. please don’t ever ever do that.

I’m already half dead on the inside with this job and id like to say on the behalf of all fast food workers please do not hand us money much less ANYTHING with snot on it.

I have people hand me change they just pulled out of their titties. I’ve had people come up and blow their cigarette smoke in my face. I’ve even had someone drive up to the window and sneeze in my face.

This tops it all. This tops everything.

Added: before someone goes there, I had NO idea she was handing me a snot bill. I didn’t see it until I had it in and on my hands.