Rice cereal for baby !?


My babygirl is 4 months old, and I started feeding her rice cereal almost a month ago.

I mix 7 oz of formula, with 3 scoops on rice cereal (I use the scooper that comes with the formula to also use to scoop the cereal.)

My fiancé believes that I might be over feeding her ??

She eats one bottle at 10am, another at 2pm, one more at 6pm and then the last feeding of the day at 10pm..so a bottle every four hours. Then she sleeps through the night, until the next day and we start the schedule over again. So she’s eating 28oz everyday, give or take.

This is our first child so we just want to make sure we aren’t over feeding her.

I didn’t know where else to post asking for help other than this app. So if you have any steps, or stories how you fed your child, I would love to hear.

Also, I give her 4oz of apple juice a day to help her poop, so she doesn’t get constipated.
