Ugh... need help please! (Update)

Mama Bear

I was asked by a friend to help plan a party for a mutual friend. I agreed as our family has become close to the person we are celebrating. I found it from my husband that one of the guests that’s attending is a girl I absolutely loathe. She is really flirty with guys she works with and last time we talked (used to be friends) she was really rude and annoying to me. She called my husband one day and I could hear her talking on the phone and she was talking to him in a flirty way. I don’t normally have issues with anyone but this girl in particular just strikes my nerve. I have a feeling she’s going to come up to me and try and talk to my kids and I just want to avoid her if at all possible. How am I supposed to do this without causing a scene? I don’t like her and really don’t want her around my family. Have any of you had to deal with this? I can’t be super crazy because most of the attendees are people my husband works with lol.


Thank you guys for your support. The party was yesterday and guess who was there?! As soon as I walked into the room the girl I don’t like was the first person I saw. I didn’t say hi, immediately walked to the opposite side of the room and avoided her. My husband took our baby girl out of my arms so I could put my bag down and she walked straight over to talk to the baby 🙄😑. So I left the room because I was looking for the girl who was hosting, she had just left and I couldn’t find her. I stood outside for a minute trying to figure out what to do and went back in. She was still trying to talk to my husband so I walked over to some other people and said hello. As soon as she left I told my husband how I didn’t want to talk to her and she grabbed her keys and wallet and started walking over to me and all loud asked “SoooOooO how are you lady?!” I just looked at her and said “Fine.” Started walking away and she’s like “Everything ok?” I was like “yup” then started playing with my daughter with my back to her. She got the hint real fast and promptly left the party. Her coworkers tell us she never works and mentioned to my husband that she had to go back to work because she had a lot of things to catch up on. I held back my comment but I really wanted to say “Yeah because at work all she does is waste time talking, flirting and annoying you all...” Seriously I have bad anxiety and this was so hard I really didn’t even want to go to this event but I’m working on facing my fears and confrontation is one I struggle with. Hanks again for the advice about being short but not making a scene. It was very clear to her I didn’t want to talk to her or be friends and that was my goal.