It’s happening!!


My son was born stillbirth on March 17th of this past year, at 24 weeks 5 days. Healing and learning to live without him has been incredibly difficult and easily the hardest thing I have ever done. We decided to start trying about 2 months ago, because even though I can’t replace him, nor would I, we both still wanted to get our family started and to have the joy of a child in our home. I took a test on Thursday that was negative , about 6 days before my period was to start because I had an appt with a new OBGYN to discuss my medical history and to make sure that when I was pregnant again, I was working with the right people this time. Luckily I loved her and she came highly recommended but lots of friends and family. And that I’m 3 days late, I am getting my BFP!!! I’m so excited I could cry and scream. But im trying my best to stay calm so I can get ready for work. But omg!