hyperemesis gravidarum no throwing up? Possible?


Hey guys so since about 5wk 4 Days I’ve had relentless nausea. I can barely get out of bed and when I do I dry heave so bad I end in a sweat and have to sit on the tile floor naked to cool down. My body will not let me throw up! Even after I’ve eaten and this happens I can’t throw up. I lost weight the past couple weeks and being only 95lb now I’m getting nervous. I’m a short person but I can’t afford to lose that much. This happens all day/night if I wake up. Today it got even worse and I started getting nauseous when I read 😢

What is this/What do I do?

I’ve tried ginger (hate the taste)

I’ve tried peppermint (doesn’t do anything)

I’ve tried saltines and bubble water (still have to lie in bed all day)

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