my life is falling apart, I think


so my husband decided to tell me he doesn't want another baby. while I'm 14 weeks pregnant. we have a 7 year old and have been trying, I thought, for the past 5 years. but he said he's always just been hoping it doesn't happen. he gets really stressed about money, so it's probably having to do with that. but like, we'll be fine. not a reason to say such a shitty thing. so basically if he can't love this baby, then it's divorce time. which would suck because our son would be SO BROKEN if we didn't live together. but I can't live in a home where only one child is loved. because that's just 100%ucked up. so I'm going to tell him that and I guess see what happens. he says things when he's upset, stuff he says he doesn't mean. but even if this is one of those things, it's still not an ok thing to say. so basically I'll have to have a talk with him and tell him if he can't see himself honestly caring for this child, then we are done. we've been together for 10 years but only married a few months, but it is what it is I guess. what a great time while I'm pregnant!!! it's supposed to be a happy time and it's the most stressful :( I cried for literally about 5 hours yesterday straight. ugh. prayers would be appreciated!!!