Pregnancy Scare?

So I have been on BC for almost 2 years. I was in a relationship which recently ended about 2-3 months ago, and during the relationship we mostly would still pull out just to be safe.

I have started to be sexually active again with a friend of mine, we had sex for the first time about 11 days ago. We had sex probably around 5 times and he came in me every time, pull out game very weak. I didn’t stress it much because my ex would occasionally (30% of the time) ejaculate in me and I never had a problem.

However I was due to have my period today and I never miss it, it starts either early or day of my placebo but never late. I spotted yesterday so I was very happy but today I have no bleeding. I don’t know if it’s too early maybe I should wait to take my other placebo tonight but I am scared shitless.

Is it too early to test? I know myself and I know that I am not strong enough to have a baby, nor am I strong enough for an abortion. Am I overreacting?