Any one else that was induced?


I was induced with my 22 month old son and it was horrific that I’m scared of having to go through it again but want another baby. I know people say you forget the pain and I agree I have forgotten the pain but I remember how horrific it was and the thought of having to do it again.

I think I had a bad labour. I was induced on the wed and he wasn’t born until the sat. I found the pessarys to make my cervix more favourable even very uncomfortable when reading I don’t think this should have hurt. My cervix was still far back and not ready. I ended up needing gas & air for the last pessary. The pitocin drip was horrendous. Even with gas & air it was unbearable and I ended up with the epidural which worked temporarily. He then got stuck and I ended up in theatre with episiotomy and foreceps and ended up with a womb and wound infection after. So I was sore for weeks after.

I will go through it cause obviously the miracle of the baby is worth it but I’m terrified. Was everyone’s induction this bad? Cause I know I’m likely to beef induced again if I was for my first.