UPDATE: Failed kick count? What would you do?


I’m really trying not to overreact, since I’ve already been to L&D; 3 times this pregnancy, and I’m only 34 weeks. However, my boy just failed his kick count for the first time which is very unlike him. He normally passes within 20-30 minutes, however an hour has gone by and I’ve only felt 3 distinct movements. He did have the hiccups briefly, but I’ve read that you aren’t supposed to count those.

I had my appointment with my OB yesterday and everything seemed fine, but even on baby’s “lazy days”, I can still always get him to move after drinking water and eating something sweet.

What would you do?

*Edit: I’ve had 3 glasses of ice water and an apple. I’m about to try some cereal to see if that helps. Oh, and I’ve been laying on my left side the whole time :/

***UPDATE: After 3 hours and still less than 10 movements total I went in to L&D.; Baby failed his NST so they ordered a BPP, which he scored 8/8 on. But the dr did say that baby has his cord wrapped around his neck, so he told me to call his office first thing in the AM to schedule an appointment for Friday so we can do another BPP, and check on his cord. Hopefully all goes well and this nuchal cord doesn’t cause any complications