Story time!


Hello ladies, I figured I’d share my story even though it happened 8 years ago lol I can still remember every detail though.

Okay so I was in high school at the time I found out I was pregnant. I was 17. Went to the doctor and found out I was having twins!! My mother went into mother bear mode and basically made me moves states to be with her to watch over me. Well it’s a good thing she did because starting at 16 weeks the doctors noticed my cervix was shortening. I was going to the doctor about every 2 weeks to have a check up done. They had me on bed rest with very limited movement. So I pretty much could only get up to use the bathroom and wasn’t allowed to sit upright in chairs and stuff. I went in for a checkup at about 24 weeks and something wasn’t right. I was leaking water. So they had to rush me to OSU because they apparently deal with way more premature births in the area. So as I arrive and the hook me up to all their monitors and such, I have a sudden urge to push! I was fighting back this urge for a good minute. Luckily that feeling went away after they hooked me up to magnesium ( that stuff is awful). Anyway so they keep me in labor and delivery to pretty much watch me to make sure I wasn’t going to have my babies yet. So I stayed there for about a week and then they moved me upstairs since they was able to stop the labor for now. Everything was going fine I ended up having to stay at the hospital since I was high risk now. I hated being there though. My boyfriend at the time would visit whenever he could until I found out he was lying and cheating on me behind my back. Here I am pregnant with his children and he does that. Anywho , so this was about 26 weeks I became so stressed out and upset that I pretty much wasn’t right for a week. So on March 15 2010 I was 27 weeks and at 8:00pm I remember laying in the bed and my back started to hurt really bad. I told my nurse about it and she hooked me up and found out I was having contractions! Well as they was preparing to move me to L&D; I was calling everyone that needed to know even the no good cheater. As each hour goes by the contractions get worse and worse and I could not handle these because it was all in my back. (Best way I can describe them is taking a railroad spike and drilling it in your back with a jack hammer). I screamed for the epidural! Well I got it and it was amazing afterwards. The doctors told me to tell them if I felt any kind of pressure at all. Well after being in pain for what seemed like forever I decided to sleep a bit. When I woke up it was about 8:30 am. I felt super strange. It felt like so much pressure down there, so when the nurse came to check the monitors I told her about the pressure I was having and she checked me and was like “ omg the baby’s head it right there!” Well one of my babies was breech so emergency c-section it was. They take me back and by 9:04am March 16th my daughter is born, 2 minutes later 9:06am my son is born. They were so tiny I couldn’t hold them or anything.

They were hooked up to so many wires. Kasey (my daughter) was 1 pound 15 ounces and 13inches long . Dom (my son) was 2 pounds 7 ounces and 15 inches long. They stayed in the Nicu for about 3 months and was finally able to come home. Now they are 8 years old and you wouldn’t think they were premies at all!!!

Sorry for the long story!!