Just got my IUD!

Hey ladies. I’m 18 years old and I just got my Mirena IUD today. OMG! I don’t want to discourage anyone, but man, that was difficult. During the process, I felt a lot of cramping. Like period cramps, but worse. I’m going to be honest here. That was the worst pain I’ve ever been in. The procedure lasted for about 10 minutes, and I felt pain for about 7 of those 10 minutes. Afterwards, my stomach started cramping. Like normal period cramps. I’ve taken two ibuprofens today and they’ve tremendously helped the pain. I have been bleeding, but hopefully it will stop by tomorrow. I feel a whole lot better now, so if you are thinking about getting the IUD, do it.! I believe it’s gonna be worth the pain. I just wanted to share a little bit about my experience today, and good luck to all you ladies thinking about getting one, or anyone who already has one!!!