Want to love my body again 😔


I just had my beautiful baby about a month ago and I just wish I could do my whole pregnancy over. This is my first baby and I gained about 50 pounds during my pregnancy. Before I got pregnant I just began to be comfortable with my weight and body and now I feel insecure all over again. I lost maybe 20 pounds since having my daughter and I also was breastfeeding. I stopped breastfeeding because I couldn’t make very much milk. I think that helped to shed some pounds.My baby gave me stretch marks all over my belly, (don’t really mind them) and I had a c section so it looks like my stomach is just drooping fat. 🤢I love being a mom and the journey I just get so depressed when I look in the mirror or when someone in my family ask how much I weigh now. Today I’m starting my diet and I’m going to start by walking and doing some light work outs. I also just opened up a gym membership! Please wish me luck on my weight loss journey! And I would love some advice as well 💕