Birth story 💕

Michelle • e.r.t. 71518👶🏻💗Penny🐶🐾SWT💋💍CRT👩🏻‍⚕️🏥

I never posted about it, so I thought I would as things are settling in with being a momma.

I was induced in July 15 because I asked to be and my doctor approved it. I was 3-4 cm dilated already when I got to the hospital that morning. They started pitocin around 645-7am. As time went on I started to slowly feel the contractions get stronger and close together. My doctor came in and broke my water after a couple of hours to help get things going even more. After feeling the contractions get intense I opted for an epidural. A nurse came in and asked if I wanted one and I said yes after this contraction! She somehow took that as a no because I was screaming and hollering for about an hour before I asked my mom to go check on what was happening. She comes in and says “oh I’m sorry I thought you said no” ... I was like bish... what? But I just said I said yes so can you please get it? She came in with anesthesia a few minutes later thankfully. The epidural itself wasn’t too bad but it was hard to concentrate staying still with the contractions. After it was in, I was in heaven. Labor was a breeze. It was a weird feeling not having use of my legs lol. Around 9pm is when I was told I could start pushing and literally at the same time I already knew because my epidural wore off and I could feel the pain of contractions and the pressure. I pushed for 50 mins, and I felt like I was dying the entire time. They tried to give me a fluid bolus of meds to try and ease the pain but it didn’t help. Everyone on the floor could hear me crying and screaming the whole time. I did get an episiotomy because her shoulders got stuck. Oh I used a mirror to see her birth and it was the most beautiful thing ever. I would recommend it if you can handle seeing it. But at 10:12 pm my little girl was born! She was 8 lbs 10.3 oz and 21 in long.

I was so relieved and happy to have her here. She is the most beautiful baby I’ve ever seen. 💕 she did break her collar bone during birth due to getting stuck, but pediatrician said it’s an easy healing process and it’s common. She’s doing great. 😊

I did end up having problems with my placenta not wanting to come out on it’s own so the doctor had to manually reach in and get it. That hurt pretty bad, too. But all was well after he got it out.

My original due date was July 19, so I was 4 days early from the induction.

I’m so in love with her. 💕 Welcome to the world, Ellie Rose. I love you more than life itself.