Mistaken at the OBGYN


So this morning I went to the doctor for a follow up appointment for my first cycle with Clomid. I was very hopeful because my breasts were sore and full, frequent headaches, increased urination, heartburn, joint pain in my hips and knees. In short, I thought I was pregnant, especially since I was at cd 42. The ultrasound was clear so the doctor told me to come back in two weeks if af still hadn’t shown up. I asked about my symptoms and she said my progesterone must have been high, but when we did my blood tests in January, my levels were low at the end of my cycles, hence why my periods don’t start by themselves. I asked her nurse about it and she said that my levels would not just flip like that, so either I have a lot of problems that decided to show up at once (allergies, sudden weight gain, diet, lack of sleep, stress, etc.) or I am pregnant and my hcg levels aren’t high enough for an hpt yet. I will test in a week or so to see if I have finally been blessed with my miracle baby. But to all of you out there, who are discouraged by their doctors, remember: they are only human and they do not know everything!