preterm, false labor or losing my mind!

I could cry! I woke up yesterday feeling sick super nauseous and diarrhea. After several hours and forcing myself to eat and drink i noticed i was having a lot of braxton hicks along with period cramps and way low back aches. This was a little after noon yesterday. The contractions dont hurt at all but are very annoying and it wss hard to sleep last night. Today the period cramps have been more on and off I am still having Braxton Hicks and my back is hurting so much so that I took tylenol.. (I never ever ever take meds!) The pain is okay its not killing me Im just emotional and tired and want it to stop!!

I am 28 weeks and 4 days

I also have been nauseated all day and have been peeing every few minutes it seems.

I did call triage and she had me count BH (which I find very hard to do) but i have been having 5-8 an hour. I know they would advise to go in but I really dont want to go and be told its just Braxton Hicks and all that just to get a bill in the mail for nothing. The intensity has not gotten worse and I'm not having any leaking or bleeding

I just want to know if anyone thinks this could just be normal 3rd trimester pains and aches!!

If you read all of this.. thank you!!