Update in comments! Holding out to test 😬

Alisha • Married 6.7.2014❤️baby #1 born 6.2015❤️👼🏻baby #2 born 4.2018 at 21 weeks👼🏻❤️baby #3 born 3.2019❤️baby #4 due 10.2021❤️

I’ve been doing SO much better this month about not testing stupid early but tomorrow is 6 days before my period so I could test with first response but I gotta try to hold off. I cannot afford to spend $60 on tests like I did last month but dang it I just wanna know! Last month I’m pretty sure I had a chemical pregnancy and my OB nurse even said that’s what it sounds like and it wouldn’t have been left over hormones from my preterm labor in April :( so that’s definitely a bummer knowing there’s a good chance I did get pregnant our first month trying since our loss at 21 weeks but it didn’t stick :( Last month I was feeling a lot of different pregnancy symptoms (another reason I think I was pregnant) like extra tired, always hungry, my face broke out like a 12 year old girl 😅, there were so many things but this month I haven’t noticed any of that so I’m trying not to get my hopes up but the closer we get, the less it’s working. Fingers crossed 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 this waiting game is not for me :(