Parents talking shit about boyfriend behind my back


This may be a little long so bare with me. My boyfriend lives in Flordia and I live in California, so the first time my parents met him was last week and they didn't really say much. Well a few days after he left they were telling my sister and nephew that I need to have my eyes checked because of his looks and weight. (Little do they know that he's been doing Keto for the past almost 2 months and lost 3 pant sizes) Anyway, they've joked to my nephew about how I should date a friend of the family because he "owns" a smog business. But guess what! He's not the best looking guy and he's overweight, too!😐 He even crashes at our house every night, but somehow he's better?🤨 My boyfriend literally has a degree, spoils me and just treats me absolutely amazing. It just bothers me that my own parents are so shallow. I know it shouldn't bother me but it does because they're my parents and I don't want them judging him based on his looks. 😞 Sorry this is all over the place. I just needed to rant.

Anyway, here's a pic from when he came to visit last week