

So at my last appointment at 37 weeks exactly my doctor told me that if I didn’t have a baby by my next appointment at 38 weeks they were going to go ahead and schedule my induction between 40 and 41 weeks. At that appointment I still wasn’t dilating but I was 70% effaced. Today I got a phone call from my doctors office letting me know that I am scheduled for induction at 7 A.M. on August 15th, I’m due on the 13th. I feel like that’s a little soon after my due date and not really giving me any extra time to go into labor naturally. I haven’t had any issues my entire pregnancy, blood pressure is great and everything is measuring right on track. I’m torn because from the beginning I have said that I don’t want to be induced and I don’t want c-section. But now I’m not sure. I feel like maybe I will get lucky and I can be induced and everything will be fine but part of me feels like it’s just going to be as bad as everyone says it is. A safe delivery is the most important thing and I’m scared this will complicate things. If my body isn’t ready can it really work? Has any one had an induction that was not absolutely awful?