9 lbs & 8 oz baby!!

Lex • Mommy to Aiden Edward & Carter Matthew💗 💙03/06/16💙 💚07/27/18💚

Story: I got induced this morning at 8:30. It was honestly the worst thing ever. This is my second child. I was 40 weeks and 4 days. When I got there I was already 3 cm dilated. Around 10-10:30 they gave me an epidural. I went from a 3 to a 7 in an hour after my doctor broke my water. (She broke it after the epidural) Only half of lower body was numb, and the contractions were awful. I was crying and screaming. Around noon, I started feeling the urge to push really bad and it hurt so bad when I didn’t. Doctors, nurses all came in because I was a 9 and a half cm dilated, and it was time. I pushed him out with 3 pushes. By the second time I was crying saying I couldn’t do it. This was the worse pain I’ve ever experienced. My first sons labor and delivery was so much easier. He was only 7 lbs and 8 oz.

I’m also very small.🙂

We’re waiting to post anything about him but I’m so happy and excited.

My boyfriend was AMAZING throughout the labor & delivery, he was so supportive.

Here are some pictures❤️

Carter Matthew💗


We’ve been at home since Sunday afternoon! My son, Aiden, has finally started coming around and stopped being distant with Carter and I. We’re slowly adjusting everyone’s sleeping schedule, and god I’m so happy but yet overwhelmed. I’ve been trying to breastfeed, and I had many many break downs because of it. It’s been getting a ton better with that though.

Here are some more pictures!

(There’s a photo of me breastfeeding at the very bottom 6th photo)