Don’t know if I’m pregnant or not

Hey guys. Can I please get some answers, opinions, thoughts anything on this weird thing that I’m going through. So, i thought there was a chance I could be pregnant about 3 1/2 weeks ago. I missed my period, but I may have tested too early or something because I got 2 negatives. Now, it’s about week 4 and I haven’t tested again, I no longer thought I was pregnant, and NOW I’m experiencing something that could be implantation bleeding MAYBE. I may be in denial that I’m actually pregnant since I got the 2 negative tests, but it’s weird that I’m spotting and still haven’t gotten my period since! ... I read that implantation bleeding usually happens around the 4th week and Im having cramping that in my mind could be my period is about to start, with some tiredness, which makes this so weird for me. Should I test again what are your thoughts on this ?