thinking about stopping ttc and waiting till later

confession... I'm feeling like I want to stop ttc for a few months and wait until November but i feel like it's for selfish reasons... and I also really want to be pregnant... I'm all over the place.

1. I want to get into super good shape and maybe even start crossfit.

2. I have an event in April and June that I'd like to attend so that would push back getting pregnant.

3. my husband is supportive either way but if we want more, the second two will have to be closer together- we already have a 2 year old.

4. insurance changes- we're getting ready to move and will have temporary insurance before my husband starts job in November.

5. money is always a concern... yes we have enough and we are saving for a house but would it be better to wait until we're get his bonus?

6. I'm so tired right now... having a hard time adjusting to no bc and new workout schedule, plus depression episodes

i just don't know what to do. i can just let it happen and stop worrying about it or i can actively use protection to avoid getting pregnant. ugh... I'm also a slight control freak if you haven't noticed