

So I’m just posting this because I need to get it off my chest, I’ll appreciate any comments obviously, but not really looking for advice, just feel like I might explode if I don’t “tell” someone.

I’m 10 weeks pregnant today, it was planned and were both over the moon about it, but the beginning of January I had a miscarriage at just over 6 weeks. The problem I have is I want to be excited about this little miracle, but I’m terrified it’s going to happen again, every time I go to the toilet I check the tissue after I wipe, every twinge or pull or wind pain and I worry more. I’m to scared to say anything to my fiancé because he’ll just worry more than me and wrap me even more in cotton wool. I haven’t had any terrible pains or bleeding and everything so far is “normal” I just can’t shake the feeling that it’s going to go wrong again, I’m already completely in love with my little bubba, I just want to stop being so scared. Good luck to you all, and baby dust to you all 😊