Boyfriend troubles & pregnant

Emily • First time single mum 💪 Connor 👶💙 Australian 🇦🇺

27w pregnant, I’m tired and sore but nothing compares to what my boyfriend feels being the one who works full time. Everything is so much worst and harder for him.

Was told this morning by him to go get a job and to pay my way.

I work for my parents financial company and don’t receive an income as they will be buying me a car when bub arrivals as I don’t have a car at the moment as my boyfriend rod my car off in an accident. Not even that but who is going to employe a 27w pregnant woman?!! Plus work around doctors appointments and hospital appointments etc etc

He has no understanding or even sympathy to what I’m going through to grow this baby.

What he says is really hurtful and when I tell him what he says is hurtful he bluntly says you knew what you were getting yourself into when you fell pregnant.

Well no I didn’t! First time mum and everything is a learning experience for me I don’t know what to expect or how to deal with it.

I feel like nothing is going to change once bubs does get here, specially if you’re making these comments now!

Options and guidance please