PT failure. (UPDATE)

My lo is 2 yo. We attempted potty training so many times. She just doesn’t comprehend it. She wears pull ups and I put her on the potty for 15 minutes at least 6 times a day but nothing. As soon as I put on a pull-up she goes. 🤦🏼‍♀️ she can’t say pee pee or poo poo and doesn’t let me know she has to go. She hasn’t even once attempted to take off her diaper/pull-up. She watches me go all the time and even flushes the toilet when I’m done lol. It’s just her. No daycare or siblings to watch and learn from. What do I do? I feel like such a failure. I can’t just let her roam naked or wear cotton underwear. We live in a small apt with carpet everywhere and will have to pay for a new carpet if she soils it. Can someone give me a schedule or some tips? I’m literally begging. 😔

UPDATE: OMG thank you for all your kind words and reassurance! I think there’s so much pressure to get her potty trained because my mom had me trained at 9 months and has been nagging me to potty train her because she is too old to be in diapers. We’re also expecting our second in September. Hubby was dead set on not having 2 lo in diapers. Again, thanks so much.