Im all over the place and Im sorry

Kay • Baby #1 Due Feb.09.2019💞

Hello Everyone so recently I have been feeling down and have had urges to cry alot. Im only 12 weeks pregnant and I dont have any terrible symptoms you could say this is a lucky pregnancy for me since it is my first and I haven’t had to experience any nausea, bloating or any thing really except food aversions. But I feel like aside from that a symptom I do have is depression and its hit me hard. Today I cried on my entire ride to work and while I was eating and have no clue why. Many will say yeah thats the hormones but I feel its more than that. But I dont want to say anything to my doctor and they put me on meds or anything because thats the last thing I want. I also tend to snap at my boyfriend alot and I dont mean to. I love him so much and he handles it so well and it makes me feel worse because of my mood swings. Since finding out I was pregnant I was excited at first but now I dont so much as care for it. Like I said no symptoms like nausea have made me feel this way. My boyfriend asks me everyday how the baby is doing and if anything health wise has changed and its always no and its starting to get annoying like a chore at this point. Have any of you ladies experienced this and what did you do to help because I need some kind of solution. Even writing this makes me feel terrible and teary eyed...

thank you