Feeling really down today...

Been TTCing for almost 2 years now, I have PCOS and hypothyroid. Thankfully, the medication I'm taking has evened out my periods so my cycles are fairly normal (for the first time in...my whole life). Im currently toward the end of my 2ww (10dpo). Its like every month I go stir crazy and just want to pee on all the sticks, but then when I do, it's a BFN and I beat myself up over it, then subsequently get my period and cry for a week lol. My friends and family are aware and supportive, but no one in my close circle has ever gone through infertility issues (really, it's like they just think about babies and get pregnant). So I'm just feeling down today, and expecting my period soon enough, again. Sorry to be such a bummer, it's just hard to be excited to POAS in a few days and await another negative test.