Cheating.. help!!


I have been with this one guy for over a year.. I seriously thought he was the one, he told me I was too. Then one day he didn’t text me at all.. let me tell you, this boy is so sweet. He was the guy that told me how much he loved me everything and how beautiful he thought I was. So, this was very odd.. the next day I was hanging out with one of my friends and his grandpa came up to us and started talking to us. I introduced them and told her it was his grandpa. His grandpa then said “don’t say that!! She might not like me after what he’s done to you.. I’m so sorry about that hun. Trust me, we had a long talk after it happened” in confusion I looked at my friends and replied back to his grandpa with a “thank you” I just didn’t want to ask him what had happened.. I texted my boyfriend multiple times after that, ask what had happened.. later that night, I see him and he totally dodges me. He then texted me, “we need to talk..” and I instantly knew something was up. He told me for the past two days he had been with anyone girl. He said he still loved me so much but he wanted to be with this girl. He also said he still wants to go on dates and hang out often, as friends. I was/am mostly upset because he didn’t tell me whenever or before it happened, I had to figure it out. After that night I realized just about everyone knew, but me!! You should see this girl, she’s flawless too. :(( I saw them last night and they were walking, holding hands, taking pictures, etc. my heart broke and I obviously left. Every time i think of him I know think of his new flawless girlfriend. Why do I think of her so highly? Why can’t I get over him? Why did he do this?