when you have no idea how far along you are

Tani • 04/05/19 💙🌈👶

i have <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.nurture">nurture</a>, that's telling me im 5w1d, i have glow thats saying 9w3d (impossible lol), and pregnancy + that says 5w3d.

i had implantation bleeding on july 14th, and i got a clear negative hpt on july 16, and a vvfl on july 17th. my beta hcg that evening was a 12. therefor super early. my hcg 48 hours later was at 49, so it quadrupled in 2 days.

my last period started on june 21st. all 3 apps have that same information. i truly don't understand whats happening with glow haha.

i went on holidays on july 22nd, across the country to visit my in laws. my doctor scheduled my first appointment on august 3rd (the day after we get back) and will hopefully schedule an ultrasound for some point in the near future. but im definitely gunna ask him how far he thinks i am lol.