Ready to give up.


Ok. I have a confession. My husband and I have been trying to 9 years. I got diagnosed in September 2016 with PCOS. And my doctor told

Me that would probably never have children. Can you imagine that being said to you?! We have tried everything except <a href="">ivf</a>. As much and I want a child. It’s a lot of money to try <a href="">ivf</a>. And the chance of it not taking. Well we are giving it one last time. We are trying to the end of the year. But honestly I’m ready to give up. Its month after month of disappointment. It breaks my heart every month I get AF and get negative tests. I have been struggling with really bad. Out of all my friends I am the only one with no kids. I have 3 girl friends that are pregnant now. I have pushed them away cause of my situation of not being a mom or getting pregnant. I’m at a loss and I’m feel like I am failing as a woman and as a wife! I haven’t told my hubby yet that I am ready to give up. And I am not sure what he will say! I’m so confused and heartbroken, I’m not sure what I should do! I ready everyone’s post about being pregnant and I just cry! I’m getting depressed over it. And even pushing my hubby away. There is so much more I can say. But that would take for ever. Sorry for the post but I had to get it off my chest.