TMI but could use advice


Hey guys. this is gonna be a tmi post but bare with me.

I’m new to TTC.

My first born was not planned.

So i have irregular periods, but this month i was 7 days “late” according to my tracker. thought i had a faint positive. but i was wrong. AF showed up. and surprisingly only lasted 5 days. then i ovulated the day after/ish. like it’s questionable whether it was the direct day after or the second day. either way though. we had sex 3 times in those two days.

So fast forward. i’m driving to class, and have to pull over on the interstate to puke (7 DPO) and my boobs are on fire. my sense of smell is so heightened it’s unreal.

then I wake up on 8/9 DPO to spotting. think omg maybe it’s IB.

wake up today and use the bathroom first thing and it’s nothing but blood. So i’m guessing AF came...

but i’m confused.

AF doesn’t usually come like this. i’m like 9/10 DPO. and even if i miscalculated O, i still got off AF less than 2 weeks ago!!!

this AF is different. it’s the heaviest i’ve ever had. i’m going through + sized tampons like every 1-2 hours, there’s like, a bunch of little clots, my stomach is cramping so bad i can’t even really eat. my back hurts. i never get period cramps and if i do they subside easily. I always WANT to eat on my AF. like wanna eat everything in sight. And this time around things just feel different.

I don’t have my insurance right now, i’m in an appeals process, so i can’t afford to just go to the doctor, but when I get this all figured out should i try to get an appointment and let him know what happened? is this normal? should I be concerned at all?