Try to get pregnant

Been trying to get pregnant for 13 years no luck i have Pcos it sucks about 6 months ago I was sick so sick so I took a test it came back positive but a very faint positive I was so happy and scared at the same time so a couple days went by still sick so I went to the er after I took one more test it was a big positive I carted like a baby anyway I’m at the er I took the test because I went the week earlier and she said u r not pregnant after I seen the faint line so I took the positive test with me so she could see but I wasn’t pregnant I was showing pregnant on my test but in fact I had a cyst the only kind to show a positive now I just don’t no what to do should I give up or go to a obgyn I stay sad all the time and just don’t no what to do is it time for me to give up and live my life I’m only 29