Hardest Thing I’ve Ever Done


It’s about time I share my birth story. This is a long one - sorry!

My pregnancy itself was a roller coaster of ups and downs beginning with issues with a preexisting heart condition and high blood pressure in first trimester. I started with a pattern of every 4 weeks something bad happened that would result in me going to the ER right from 4 weeks pregnant. At 12 weeks, I woke up bleeding with a huge blood clot falling out of me that I thought was my little one. Thankfully it wasn’t, but I was diagnosed with a complete placenta previa and put on bed rest until further notice. At 16 weeks, my placenta previa resolved itself and my heart issues were no longer affected my pregnancy, so I was released from bed rest.

It was smooth sailing from there until the 3rd trimester. In the 3rd trimester, I started have crazy nose bleeds that would last hours (5 hours once). My LO was breeched, then not breeched, and then breeched again at 37 weeks (and then not breeched). I was also diagnosed with polyhydramnios at 35 weeks and my little one was measuring large. She was 7lb 11 oz at her 35 week ultrasound.

My doctors scheduled me to be induced on Friday, July 13, at 39 weeks. At 37 weeks, my little one turned breeched. So my doctors scheduled a c-section for Wednesday, July 11, at 38 weeks and 5 days. I was ready to get her out. I was huge and so uncomfortable in the summer heat.

On July 11, my husband and I arrived all ready for our little one’s arrival. The doctors did an ultrasound to check to see if she was still breeched. Surprisingly, or maybe not, she had turned around. Thankfully the doctors did not send us home. After talking with them about whether to still do a c-section (they were concerned with her possibly being 9 or 10 lbs) or to induce, we chose to attempt a vaginal birth.

At 10 am, I began the induction process. By 10 pm, my laboring had slowed and I was only dilated 5 cm from 4 cm that morning. The doctors then broke my water - Man, did it gush with all that extra fluid too! The labor started to intensify after that, so I asked for an epidural around midnight. That definitely relieved the pain, but my skin was so itchy every where. The itchiness was almost more unbearable than what the pain was before I asked for the epidural. Thankfully, the nurse gave me Benadryl and that eased the itchiness. By 10 am the next morning, the doctors came in to check my progress. I was still only dilated to 5 cm and she was not engaging at all. So they decided to do a c-section again. Within 30 minutes I was prepped for the procedure and meeting the numerous medical people that would be involved in it.

During my c-section, the staff was great! I felt no pain, just pressure like they warned. I was cold and did begin shivering part way through. I heard my little one cry even before she was completely pulled out (they said). The medical staff had taken bets on her size - guessing she’d be in the 9 or 10 lb range, but she ended up being 8lb 13oz. My husband cut her cord and soon I was able to see her around the curtain. I remember being disappointed that I was sooo tired. I was trying to keep my eyes open when I was first saw her. I felt like a failed mom because I should be excited and instead was exhausted. It turned out I had placenta accreta (my placenta was attached to my cervix) and I was hemorrhaging. The staff never let on to me that anything was wrong which is good because I would have worried. My husband knew and later my family when I was in recovery, but I only found out days later.

At 11:40 am on July 12, my little one - Emilia Lou was born. She was 8lb 13 oz and 21 inches long. She had a head of hair and looked just like her mother. We spent 6 days in the hospital, 5 after delivery due to glucose and bilirubin issues with her. Our entire journey had so many ups and downs, scares and celebrations. Thinking back now 17 days later, it was definitely all worth it. I don’t know if I’d do it again for another little one, but she was worth it all. Her dad and I are completely in love with her. Life is complete.

Thanks for listening to our story.

(Pictures are from in the hospital at 2 days old)