7/30 - CD 27 / 11 DPO

🌜⭐| a m a n d a |⭐🌛 • 32-years-young / TTC #1 💍 6.26.07 - Until Forever 💋

Just making little hills. 😂 I think this chart has the least amount of huge ups and downs that I've ever had! 🙌

Temp seems average. CM is totally scant and dry. It typically starts getting more abundant in the few days leading up to AF. Glow and FF both say I'm due on the 2nd, but she's been showing a little early the last few months, so we shall see. This will be the first month since we started TTC that I'm not testing early with HPTs! I don't even have any desire to. I swear I feel like a MASSIVE weight has been lifted off my shoulders since letting go of some of the control in this process. 🙏🏻