Married and attracted to another guy friend...

I’ve been with my hubby for 6 years, married for 2 of them. We have a 23 month old and I’m pregnant. When we were younger we would drink and party a lot with a friend group and I ended up kissing a different guy at a few different parties (the same guy always. I’ll call him B) and my husband then boyfriend knows nothing about it. I realize this is bad so I don’t need comments telling me I’m horrible. I still fantasize and have legit dreams about B even though he’s also always had a girlfriend. What are some ways I can get over this? I’m not really even sure I want to. I feel a real connection with him and I think he might feel it back, but we’re both just moving on with our respective lives. Do I just forget about it? 😔 it’s hard because I love my husband and my family, but we don’t have that romantic sexual chemistry anymore.