I'm not sure what to do??! 🤔


so me and my ex had got back together after being broken up for about 5 months we dated for 3 months prior and I think the now we are closer than ever! I always loved him! and the reason we had broke up was because we left that maybe we rushed into the relationship to fast so we broke up. we have each other space! And Honestly I wish we never did because while we were apart we dated other people but we both had some bad dates! I was stood up on a couple and I was treated badly another. 😔 But now that we had got back together I feel like we never broke up! So my question is that he wants me to move in with him but we just started back dating and it's only been about 2 weeks since then. what do you guys think I mean Im in love eith him but I don't want to rush things...😶😶

Here's a picture of us! 😊