cholestasis question


The last week or so I’ve had some extra random itchiness, my doctor told me if it goes to bottom of my feet or hands to call. So last night I woke up in the middle of the night with my feet itching, today hasn’t been bad just some slight itching here and there on my feet, legs, back and armpits but now that it’s 740pm I’m itching a lot more again. I called my doctor and they had me go get blood work but said it takes a week to get the results! I’m 37+4 and have a scheduled c-section at 39 weeks due to baby being breech. Seems kind of weird I won’t find anything out for a week when I’ll be just days away from c-section then.... also I’ve been reading if it is cholestasis you should be induced by 38 weeks. Anyone have any experience with this?