Unplanned natural & no doctor birth story (long)

Ericka • Wife, Mom to a toddler and expecting my 🌈 baby

I always had a feeling our baby, due August 7th would arrive early, and she did.

I have been seeing my doctor every Tuesday this last month and at my 38weeks appointment (July 24th) he said, “huh, you’re already 3cm. If you want, come in Thursday for a membrane sweep and we can see if we can stir things up”. At that point I decided to wait because my mom and son’s birthdays were Friday and my mom was getting married Saturday. Well husband and I thought about it all day and changed our minds thinking, “let get this over with”.

So Thursday I go in, get my sweep at 4 and decide to bring my almost 2 year old to the park to walk around and get things going. Well, the ride home around 6pm I started feeling the contractions, very close together but not intense so I waited them out. Around 9 my husband and I went into the hospital and I hadn’t dilated further. Walked around for an hour, and still nothing. So we sat in the bed for and hour my doc came in checked and I had gone to 4cm. He ruptured my water and into a labour room we went around 11:45pm. I asked for the epidural around 12:45am, but turns out the guy was in the middle of a 4 hour surgery 😭.

I was having a tone of back labour and at 5cm so my nurse said to try on my hands and knees. Well as soon as I flipped over, the baby flipped too and I had to push instantly! She checked me, I was 7cm and she called the doctor who was back at home. Within 5 minutes, the room was filled with nurses because the doctor wasn’t making it and I quickly pushed out my little girl. I small tear which didn’t even need stitches. I FOR SURE though baby would be a boy. Doctor made it in 15 minutes after delivery, after placenta and everything was out and said the the nurses, “Well, I guess I owe you all pizza”. Lol

Everything looked good so he discharged me right there, so that I wouldn’t have to wait for a doctor to do it Saturday because he knew I wanted to make my moms wedding.

Alice Marie flew into the world July 27th on he brother’s 2nd birthday and Grandma’s 50th. 7lbs 1oz and 19.5”long

Discharged Saturday at noon and made it to the wedding at 5.

We couldn’t be more thrilled and I still can’t believe I have a daughter 😍